Rent Registration

Rent Registration

This page is a guide for owners to file initial and annual rent registrations with the Office of Rent Administration (ORA). New York State Law requires owners of buildings with rent stabilized apartments to file apartment registrations and to provide each tenant in occupancy with a copy of the registration as it pertains to the tenant’s unit.

Initial registrations are required to be filed on paper forms for the registration year the building first becomes subject to Rent Stabilization. This section contains forms and instructions for all buildings including those that have become subject to rent stabilization due to receipt of tax abatement benefits such as 421-A, and/or a NYC Regulatory Agreement.

Annual registration filings are required to reflect apartment information for April 1 of the registration year and can be submitted through the Owner Rent Regulation Application (ORRA) online system.

Owner of rent stabilized premises are required to file initial registration statements with DHCR for each unit covered by the rent laws within ninety (90) days of such premises becoming subject to rent stabilization. Owner of rent stabilized premises are also required to file annual registration statements with the DHCR for each unit covered by the rent laws by July 31st of the registration year. Registrations submitted after the aforementioned deadlines are considered delinquent. The rent laws subject the owner of rent regulated premises to a fine of five hundred dollars per unregistered unit for each month registrations are delinquent. For more information, please see Operational Bulletin 2024-1.

In addition, property owners of NYC residential buildings are required by law to register their buildings (not each apartment) annually with the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) if that residential property is a multiple dwelling (3+ residential units) or a private dwelling (1-2 residential units) where neither the owner nor the owner's immediate family resides. NYC residential buildings without a valid property registration with HPD may be issued Orders and civil penalties. Owners of non-registered buildings will be ineligible to certify violations, request a Code Violation Dismissal, or initiate a court action to recover possession of the premises for nonpayment of rent. The deadline for filing this year's Property Registration Forms has been extended to September 30th, 2024. Your 2024 Property Registration Forms must be received by HPD, and the $13 Registration Fee payment made to the NYC Department of Finance no later than September 30th, 2024, to avoid the issuance of a violation for Failure to Register.

For more detailed information on how to file including using the HPD online system, visit here.

Initial Rent Registration

Initial Rent Registration is required for all rent regulated buildings.

To file your registration, mail or hand-deliver your complete submission to:

Office of Rent Administration
Attn: Rent Registration Unit
92-31 Union Hall St., 6th Floor
Jamaica, NY 11433

RR-1(i) : Apartment Registration Form (submit one for each apartment)

RR-2(i) : Building Summary Form (submit one per building)

RR-3(i) : Building Services Form (submit one per building)

For directions to complete these forms, see the Initial Rent Registration Instructions link above or the instructions that apply to your building in the list below.

Annual Rent Registration Online (ARRO)

Annual Rent Registration is required for all rent regulated buildings.

Annual Rent Registration Online (ARRO) is an application of the Owner Rent Regulation Applications (ORRA) system that is used to register rent regulated buildings from 2001 forward.

To request paper forms for annual registration of the years 2000 and prior or for assistance with questions about registration procedures, how to obtain a user ID and password, and other registration issues, please send an email request to [email protected] .

Visit Owner Rent Regulation Applications to learn more and login.

Please Note: All DHCR applications/online services are unavailable from approximately 12:30 am to 2:00 am each day.

Please review the following instructions and FAQs:

Related Resources

Forms, Fact Sheets, Operational Bulletins and Policy Statements.

Fact Sheet #36: Historical Deregulation Rent and Income Thresholds

This Fact Sheet contains information on the historical deregulation rent and income thresholds for vacant and occupied apartments. As of June 14, 2019, all forms of deregulation with the exception of 421-a (16) apartments, have been repealed.

Fact Sheet #43: Foreclosure and Owner and Tenant's Rights

This Fact Sheet contains Frequently Asked Questions related to foreclosure and owner and tenant’s rights.

Form #RA-44: Report of Change in Ownership or Address

Owners must file this form if there has been a change in address for the owner/managing agent, or a change in building ownership.

Operational Bulletin #2024-1: Rent Registration Filing Deadlines and Penalties for Delinquent Registrations

This Operational Bulletin contains information on the requirements for Rent Registration filing deadlines and penalties for delinquent registrations.

Policy Statement #89-7: Collection of Administrative Fees: Housing Accommodations Permanently Not Subject to the RSL or ETPA and Application Form

This Policy Statement contains information on the legal situations which cause the permanent decontrol of housing accommodations from rent stabilization coverage in New York City and ETPA coverage in ETPA counties. Owners of permanently decontrolled housing accommodations are exempt from paying the administrative fee that is imposed on owners to assist DHCR in covering the cost of administering Rent Stabilization Law or ETPA.

Policy Statement #2023-1: Filing Requirements Upon Vacancy of Rent Controlled Apartment

(Replaces Policy Statement 2014-1) This Policy Statement contains updated information on filing requirements upon vacancy of rent controlled apartment.

Policy Statement #2014-1: Filing Requirements Upon Vacancy of Rent Controlled Apartment

(Historical document. Replaced by Policy Statement 2023-1.) This Policy Statement contains information on the procedure owners must follow when the legal status of a rent controlled apartment changes due to the tenant permanently vacating the apartment.

Advisory Opinion #91-1: Multi-Tier Rent Orders

This Advisory Opinion contains information on the conditions that may be set forth in a DHCR order when a governmental agency or public benefit corporation and DHCR enter into an agreement regarding rent registrations that require the registration of more than one rent for each apartment.

Advisory Opinion #91-2: Rent Registration with DHCR Upon the Termination of Regulation Other Than Pursuant to the Rent Laws

This Advisory Opinion contains information on the procedures for initial apartment and building registrations by housing companies, such as Mitchell-Lama, that own buildings that are regulated by federal, state, or municipal laws other than the Rent Laws, where these companies decide to terminate such regulation through buy-outs, or such regulation is otherwise terminated.