Rules of thesis statement

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Person with opened umbrella leaping in front of a yellow wall

Definition to Remember:

Rules to Remember:

  1. A thesis statement is the main idea or subject of your paper, while a topic sentence is the main idea of a single paragraph. Sometimes the thesis may develop in your mind early in the writing process, and sometimes it will become more clear or shift as you work through the writing process.
  2. The thesis statement should be a single, concise sentence. An effective thesis statement has two parts: (1) the topic and (2) your claim about the topic.
  3. Your thesis is a contract that you establish with your readers. The voice, tone, assurances, and promises of your thesis must continue throughout the essay.
  4. An effective thesis statement should be as specific as possible and be limited enough to make it manageable. Keep your thesis statement specific enough to be adequately discussed within the length of your paper. If a thesis statement is too general or vague, it can be difficult to decide what to write about.
  5. Be wary of absolute words like all, none, everyone, no one, always, never in your thesis statement. If a reader can think of an exception to your absolute statement, he or she may set your entire argument aside. Be careful, too, to avoid claims that are too over-arching and, therefore, suspect.
  6. Your thesis should serve as an umbrella for the essay that follows. Every topic sentence for each of the body paragraphs must fit neatly beneath the umbrella, just as every item of evidence also must fit. If anything does not fit under the umbrella of your thesis, revise accordingly to either broaden or narrow your umbrella until the simple math works.
  7. To compose an effective thesis statement, follow these three steps:

Common Errors:


Exercise 10.1

Find three thesis statements from papers you have written in the past and list them here. If you walk each through the three-step process on item 6 above, how would each one fare? What changes would you make, and why?

Exercise 10.2

Select one thesis from 10.1. Draw or download an umbrella image, and write your thesis on or above the umbrella. Next, write one topic sentence from each paragraph of your essay vertically beneath the umbrella. Keep all information beneath the shape of the umbrella. As you consider your ideas, what revisions do you need to make? Do you need to broaden your thesis in order to encompass all that falls beneath? Or do you need to focus your thesis better, so your readers are able to immediately see the logic of the ideas that come under the umbrella? Are there topics under the umbrella that could be saved for another essay? Do you need additional evidence under the umbrella to strengthen your overall claim?

Exercise 10.3

Consider an essay or writing assignment you will need to complete in the next week, whether for school, work, or home. What is the topic? What is your claim about the topic? What specific evidence will you include? What will your thesis statement be? Use the progression below to aid your thinking:

TopicClaim Evidence Thesis